Creating a simple Window with CoalPy

To visualize any realtime graphics work in CoalPy, we have to create a window. The following script creates a window, and is the minimal application to display something to the screen:

# import the library
import coalpy.gpu

# define a simple rendering function (do nothing)
def render_fn(render_args : coalpy.gpu.RenderArgs):

# create a window
w = coalpy.gpu.Window(title = "Tutorial", width = 400, height = 400, on_render = render_fn)

# do the window loop. This blocks, and unless w is set to None or the user hits the close button, it will continue

You can extract many properties of the window and the state of the application via render_args

The final result of the window should look like this:


Save this script as

A version of this script can be found here

Create a Simple Shader

Create a new text file and call it window_fx_shader.hlsl. This will be our first compute shader file containing some kernels that will draw to the window. First, lets write an empty compute shader:

// window_fx_shader.hlsl

// Declare the output texture we want to write information to
RWTexture<float4> g_output : register(u0);

// Simple compute kernel code
// we dispatch on thread groups of 8 by 8
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void csMainWindow(int3 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    g_output[dispatchThreadID.xy] = float4(0.5, 0, 0.2, 1.0);

A version of this shader can be found here

This shader will write uniformly for every pixel (accessed by the dispatchThreadID) the color (0.5, 0, 0.2, 1.0) The next step is to load this shader in our tutorial. At the top of the script, add the following lines:

g_shader = coalpy.gpu.Shader(

Create a command list and submit it

Go back to the script and change the render_fn to look like this:

import math # make sure to import math for ceil function

def render_fn(render_args : coalpy.gpu.RenderArgs):
    # create a new command list object
    cmd = coalpy.gpu.CommandList()

    # add a dispatch command
        # the shader
        shader = g_shader, 

        # the output is the window's display texture
        outputs = render_args.window.display_texture,

        # we dispatch on thread groups of 8 by 8.
        x = math.ceil(render_args.width/8),
        y = math.ceil(render_args.height/8),
        z = 1) # z = 1 since there are no threads on z axis

    # submit command list to the GPU for execution

A version of this script can be found here

More information about

Now if you run your script, you should expect some color in your image!
