Creating a simple Kernel with CoalPy
There are multiple ways to install CoalPy. The easiest is through python PiP package manager:
pip install coalpy
Alternatively, you can download the prebuilt binaries in the release links of the github repository here
Test it works!
To test it works on your machine, run the following python module, which is an example of a GPU application built using coalpy:
py -m coalpy.examples.seascape
A first kernel
Start a new script, lets call it At the top of this script, we will write our first hlsl compute kernel and store it in a string variable. It will look like this:
kernel_source = """
RWBuffer<int> g_output : register(u0);
void csMainKernel(int3 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
g_output[dispatchThreadID.x] = dispatchThreadID.x;
There are a few things to unpack here. The first one is that our hlsl kernel source will be embedded in a string which CoalPy will later be able to execute. Inside this kernel source the first line indicates we will write to a int buffer:
RWBuffer<int> g_output : register(u0);
At the top of the csMainKernel function we see a numthreads attribute. This special attribute tells us that each thread group will be composed of 64 threads per group. The thread group can be thought as a 3d cube of threads, in this case the layout of a group is 64x1x1 cube.
The input argument to the kernel dispatchThreadID which indicates the current coordinate of the thread. Since we decided to use a group of 64x1x1 we will only be using the x coordinate.
This coordinate is used as the output and we will then just write the thread id to the output buffer.
Setting up the shader
Now that we understand what our kernel is going to do, we will create a shader using the source code specified above. To do this, we create a Shader object as follows:
import coalpy.gpu
kernel_source = """
RWBuffer<int> g_output : register(u0);
void csMainKernel(int3 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
g_output[dispatchThreadID.x] = dispatchThreadID.x;
# Create a shader.
# Note: The shader source can also be in a separate file of extension hlsl. To do this use the file argument instead of source_code.
# This is preferable as we will see later that it allows for live editing of the code.
g_shader = coalpy.gpu.Shader(source_code=kernel_source, main_function="csMainKernel")
Now we have a shader that is ready to be used.
Setting up the output buffer
Our little shader is not useful unless we have an output to write it to. For this we have to create in our little script a simple Buffer of type INT32. The Buffer type contains the necessary tools to create data that can be filled in the GPU.
# Create a buffer of type int.
g_output_buffer = coalpy.gpu.Buffer(format = coalpy.gpu.Format.R32_SINT, element_count=64)
This buffer object represents a GPU resource. It is of type int and it has an element count of 64.
Execute the kernel in the GPU
Now that we have a shader, a buffer, is time to send a command to the GPU and tell it to execute our kernel on this buffer.
To do this we will create the following command:
# create a command list
cmd_list = coalpy.gpu.CommandList()
# add a single dispatch
cmd_list.dispatch(shader=g_shader, outputs=g_output_buffer, x=1, y=1, z=1)
# execute
The code above fills in a command list. This command list only executes a single thread group (the x, y, z parameters are the dimensions of the thread group). Because the internal shader has defined a threadgroup of size 64x1x1, and our output is just a flat buffer of 64, we just launch a single thread group.
The CommandList type contains more commands that can be appended.
The function schedule can take an array of commands or a single command, and it will asynchroneously put them on a queue for the GPU to collect. The GPU will pick up the command list filled in and execute anything else required.
Read the results back
Now that we have launched the kernel and we are indeed writting to this resource, we have to download the results to the GPU. CoalPy does not try to hide this operation by convenience. The reason is performance. It is my belief that the user must be aware that a GPU readback is an expensive operation and should only be done if necessary. In this simple example we are reading just a little bit of memory. But other examples might require doing larger readbacks.
To perform a blocking readback (that is wait until the results are ready) we add this piece of code to our script:
import numpy
download_request = coalpy.gpu.ResourceDownloadRequest(resource=g_output_buffer)
# this blocks the CPU to wait for results.
# Alternative the user can poll the download request using the is_ready function
results = numpy.frombuffer(download_request.data_as_bytearray(), dtype=int)
The final script can be found here
Now running this script will show an array of 64 elements computed in the GPU!
> py
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63]