Simple Effect with CoalPy
Once the Simple Window tutorial is finished, we can now add more interesting effects to our window effect application. We will also add a simple editor user interface to begin with the Imgui integration.
Add a color picker UI
Open the script from the previous tutorial section, and add the following state at the top:
g_color = [0.1, 0.0, 0.93, 1.0]
This will be the global color of the window effect that we will be implementing. We will now create a new function that will write to this global color variable.
def draw_imgui(imgui : coalpy.gpu.ImguiBuilder):
# this is so we can write to the global g_color
global g_color
#begin panel
# color picker
col = imgui.color_edit4("effect color 0", g_color)
# only write color if it was picked
if col is not None:
g_color = list(col)
#end panel
This function now needs to be call at the top of the render_fn as follows:
def render_fn(render_args : coalpy.gpu.RenderArgs):
global g_color # so we can use the global in this function
# draw user interface
We will now pass the color as an input constant into our shader. Add the constant argument to the dispatch call and pass the g_color as follows:
# add a dispatch command
constants = g_color, #pass the color directly as an input
shader = g_shader,
A version of this script can be found here
Finally, lets open our compute shader window_fx_shader.hlsl and replace the hard coded color with a constant value:
// window_fx_shader.hlsl
cbuffer Constants : register(b0)
float4 g_color;
// Declare the output texture we want to write information to
RWTexture2D<float4> g_output : register(u0);
// Simple compute kernel code
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void csMainWindow(int3 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID)
g_output[dispatchThreadID.xy] = g_color;
A version of this shader can be found here
The results should look like this:
We have now a simple user interface element with color picker and we are updating the color of the window in realtime. Documentation for the imgui API can be found here. The ImguiBuilder object is always passed down in the RenderArgs and cannot be instantiated outside a window. Use this object as the main entry point of the imgui API.